Tuesday 19 February 2008

WATER - Bottled or Tap?

With bottled water costing an average 500 times more than tap water (in supermarkets water is now more expensive than beer or milk!), it is truly amazing that, as a nation, we spend close to £2 million a year on the stuff! SURELY we wouldn't do this without just cause?

One fact is that many people believe that bottled water is better for the health, if not the pocket - but Dame Yve Buckland, Chairwoman of the Consumer Council for Water Group has categorically said that there is NO health advantage to drinking bottled water. Our reason for choosing the bottle simply comes down to personal taste preferences. Another reason for our choice, surveys state, is that 1 in 5 people will ask for bottled water in restaurants for fear of looking "cheap"!

Read the full article at the link below - and then, perhaps, it is time to ask yourself if YOU and your family are drinking the right water. Remember too, the possibility that by refusing to use the tap, your family might, in fact, be drinking less water than they should!


The other major concern, of course, is the cost to the environment. The plastic bottles that water comes in taking a horrifying 450 years to break down in landfill! Yes, they can be recycled - but of course only a small proportion are, and the energy used in actually collecting and recycling them is high. It's water for thought....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely- tap water is the best.
Save our planet- because water bottles which are made of plastics -450 years to disintegrate ..wow.....
Cost of bottled water - annually roughly $ 500 .
Good blog post. Keep educating people by posting more and more