Monday 4 February 2008

Wild in Britain - Future of Website

As our new website, Young Nature Lovers, goes on line (the framework is there - just needs a few more words and pictures!), the future of Wild in Britain is being planned.

Firstly, we have decided to archive the pages that Simon used for his environmental award work, so that they remain there for the sake of friends, family, and those looking for a little encouragement with their own projects!

Secondly, it has been suggested by some of our regular visitors that it would be a shame to remove the information that exists there about individual species, even if much of it will be transferred or repeated on Young Nature Lovers , as it forms a basic introduction for readers of all ages. We are therefore considering the possibility of adding higher level material on pages that link off from this basic description. It is hoped that, by doing that, young people will be able to slowly and naturally progress from the basic to the advanced stages of learning.

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